Rose Hair / Chile Rose Tarantula Care (Grammostola rosea)

The Chilean Rose Hair tarantula is one of the best pet tarantulas for beginners. This complete caresheet teaches you everything you need to know to keep this amazing exotic pet in captivity.

The Rose Hair Tarantula is one of the very best pet tarantulas for beginners. They are naturally very docile and can be safely and easily handled. They’re also long-lived, very forgiving and are relatively cheap to buy when compared with other popular tarantula species. Growing to a respectable size of around 5″ across the legs, …

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A Beginners Guide To Keeping Tarantulas

Whilst there are some rather expensive and specialist species available, the average tarantula is reasonably easy to care for once you understand a few basic concepts. Selecting A Species With around 800 species of tarantulas currently recognised there is a huge variety of species available in the pet trade. Luckily the average exotic pet shop …

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