Best Beginner Tarantulas: What Are The Best Pet Tarantulas for Beginners?

With so many different species of tarantula known to science, so choosing your first pet tarantula is no easy task.

As the hobby has grown, so too has the range of spiders available in the pet trade. These days there are dozens of different tarantulas which are available to hobbyists; but which is the best pet tarantula for beginners?

In this article we’re going to discuss some of the best tarantulas for beginners, laying out both their strengths and their weaknesses, so that you can make an informed decision about which is likely to be the best pet tarantula for your circumstances.

Features of the Best Beginner Tarantulas

tarantula photo

Tarantulas are a surprisingly diverse group of animals, differing in size, color, temperament, lifestyle and price. In my opinion the best tarantulas for beginners meet the following criteria:

Respectable Adult Size – The smallest tarantula measures only a few centimetres across the legs, while the world’s largest spider is the size of a dinner-plate. Clearly the first of these won’t make the most exciting first tarantula, while the other end of the scale requires considerable experience, space and money to purchase.

The best pet tarantulas for beginners tend to be moderately-sized – something in the region of 5-6″ across the legs as adults. Such a spider is both impressive to look at and easy to handle.

Easy To Care For – The second feature to look for is a tarantula that is quite “forgiving” in captivity. Some species are quite challenging to care for, especially for beginners, so selecting a tarantula that is easy to care for over the long term makes perfect sense.

Docile and Slow Moving – The best tarantulas for beginners are slow moving and rarely, if ever, attempt to bite. These are species that can be handled with care, and where something as simple as cleaning out the cage doesn’t become a major challenge. Be assured; while some species can be very fast and/or aggressive, all the species we’ll discuss today are perfectly handleable.

Easy To Source – While there are dozens of species freely available in the pet trade, many of these are available only from specialist breeders and in small volumes. If you’re looking to buy your first pet tarantula it’s unlikely you’ll want to spend the next 6 months shopping around trying to find that perfect specimen. As a result the species we’ll discuss are generally quite freely available from most reptile stores.

Reasonable Cost – If this is your first pet tarantula then you might be shocked to hear that some species can cost several hundred dollars thanks to their rarity or exotic appearance. While these are truly impressive spiders, the best beginner tarantulas are generally far more reasonably priced. This way, you won’t have to save up for months on end in order to purchase your pet and all the equipment necessary.

All of the spiders below match these criteria, though as we’ll see some are more appropriate for beginners than others.

Understanding Longevity in Tarantulas

One final point worth mentioning before we actually discuss the best beginner tarantulas is that male and female tarantulas can have significantly different life spans. Once becoming a mature adult, for example, most male tarantulas will only live for a year or so – sometimes much less. In contrast, an adult female can live for decades.

I mention this because if you’re shopping for your first pet tarantula it pays to search for a female specimen in order to ensure your spider will live a long life with you.

The Best Tarantulas for Beginners

Here we are then; the “meat and potatoes” of the article. Below you will find find a run-down of what I believe to be the best pet tarantulas for beginners, based on my 20+ years of keeping and breeding literally hundreds of different tarantulas….

Curly Haired Tarantula (Tliltocatl albopilosus)

albopilosum photo

The Curly Haired Tarantula (or simply “Curly Hair”) is arguably the world’s most popular beginner tarantula.

This species is reasonably priced, commonly available, is both hardy and quite docile. And best of all, it’s a beautiful tarantula in it’s own right, even if it isn’t one of the more colorful options availanle.

Closer inspection reveals why this species has such an unusual name.

This tarantula is actually clothed in long, curly hairs making it look very attractive indeed.

You should be able to easily pick up a specimen in most decent exotic pet stores, or from multiple vendors online or at local reptile shows.

Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola pulchripes)

Grammostola pulchripes photo

The Chaco Golden Knee is a more recent addition to the tarantula hobby. A freshly-moulted specimen is truly a sight to behold, with a velvety brown base color overlaid with numerous blonde or ginger hairs which give a very unique appearance. The name comes from the yellow stripes found on the “knee” joints of this species.

Like our friend the Curly Hair tarantula, the Chaco Golden Knee tends to be quite a docile species, and is reasonably commonly bred in captivity. One area where the two species differs is that Grammostola pulchripes can get quite a bit bigger, with some species reaching 7-8″ in overall legspan as adults.

If you’re looking for a beginner tarantula that is easy to care for but a little bit “different” to the traditional Curly Hair then this is a great option to consider.

Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma hamorii)

To many people the Mexican Red Knee is the “original” tarantula; it’s one even non-tarantula keepers know and recognize.

red knee tarantula photo

Now a critically endangered species in the wild, thousands of specimens live long and healthy lives in captivity these days, with captive breeding occurring regularly.

It is worth noting that the combination of only captive-bred specimens being available, combined with how slow growing this species is, means that larger specimens can be considerably more expensive than either Curly Hairs.

Related:  Can Tarantulas Live With Other Animals?

That said, the bright yellow and orange patches on an otherwise black background makes for a truly stunning spider, which is as docile as it is beautiful. In addition it is worth noting that tarantulas of the Brachypelma genus are considered to be some of the longest-lived of all spiders, with adult females reaching 20 years of age or more – quite a feat for a spider!

Rose Haired Tarantula (Grammostola rosea)

rose hair tarantula photo

The Rose Hair has been kept as a pet for decades. At one point they were imported in their thousands and could be picked up for next-to-nothing.

These days that has changed. Wild-caught specimens are not being imported, and the existing specimens are typically captive-bred.

As the Rose Hair tarantula is quite slow growing, this has meant that the price of this species has sky-rocketed in recent years.

If you’ve got the cash, however, this can be a fantastic tarantula for beginners.

These are moderately-sized spiders and are quite forgiving in captivity, only requiring the most basic of care.

Lastly they’re also one of the most docile of all tarantulas, rarely if ever trying to bite. As a result they can generally be handled safely, even by beginners.

It is worth mentioning that there are two color forms; this standard brown and a far more attractive orange/red form often known as the “Chilean Flame Haired” or “Chilean Fire Haired” tarantula. Care remains the same for both varieties.

Brazilian Black (Grammostola pulchra)

grammostola pulchra photo

You can think of Grammostola pulchra is a black version of the Rose Haired tarantula.

Coming from the same genus it should be no surprise that these spiders are equally docile, slow moving and easy to care for.

The primary difference is really in their appearance; rather than being a basic brown color these tarantulas are much more “chunky” looking (and therefore “cute” to my eyes!) as well as being a rich glossy black in color.

Truly a stunning, if slightly more unusual tarantula that makes an ideal beginner species.

Pink Toes (Avicularia avicularia)

pink toe tarantula photo

There are many different species of Pink Toe tarantula available, though it is the original (Avicularia avicularia) which is seen most commonly in the pet trade. The Pink Toe is one of the only arboreal (tree dwelling) tarantulas that made it onto our list so it is worth noting that Pink Toes require rather different care to the other terrestrial species listed here.

With their black coloration and cute little pink “toes” this is a most unusual and attractive species. Note that while Pink Toes are docile-enough to be handled, it can be a little more “skittish” than other species on this list, so you’ll need to pay a little more attention when handling it, lest it starts to bound up your arm!

It is worth mentioning that Pink Toes tend to be quite fast-growing tarantulas in comparison to most of the other species listed here. This means that purchasing a smaller specimen and allowing it to grow can be a great way to save money while knowing that soon enough you’ll have an impressive spider to show off.

Equally, fast-growing tarantulas often suffer from a shorter lifespan and the Pink Toe is no exception, with adult females rarely making it to their first decade.

Something A Little More Unusual

While the above species most accurately meet the criteria discussed earlier, there are a few other tarantulas which might be worth considering if you fancy something a little bit more unusual. These have been included in a supplementary list simply because they’re not as perfect as the above species.

For example, while all the following species are docile and easily cared-for in captivity, they may cost rather more or be more difficult to locate. For someone with a little patience or a higher budget, however, they can still make great pet tarantulas for the beginner.

Fort Hall Baboon (Pterinochilus lugardi)

If you’re looking for your first tarantula then you may not be aware that tarantula keepers typically split spiders into Old World and New World species. New World tarantulas are those from the Americas. They tend to be more docile and therefore make better pet tarantulas for beginners.

Old World tarantulas – from African and Asia – can be a little more “spicy” so are typically recommended only for more experienced keepers. The Fort Hall Baboon is therefore the only Old World tarantula I am mentioning in this guide – but I mention it for good reason.

Pterinochilus lugardi is a surprisingly docile African tarantula that can be easily maintained in the home. It’s body is clothed in a beautiful pattern of spots and speckles, and it displays some fascinating behavior, constructing tunnels and hides around the cage.

The Fort Hall Baboon tarantula is a reasonably small species, the adult females only reaching a legspan of some 4-5 inches in total, so it is easily housed in the home.

If the idea of some of the tarantulas already discussed feels a bit “pedestrian” then you might want to try this rather more unusual offering.

Mexican Red Rump (Brachypelma vagans)

The Mexican Red Rump is the very first tarantula that I ever bred so its a species truly close to my heart.

Closely-related to the Mexican Red Knee, these spiders look absolutely incredible, especially after a recent moult. The legs and carapace are a rich, glossy black while the abdomen is clothed in bright red hairs.

red rump tarantula photo

These hairs stand out incredibly well on the black background, making for what is one of the most attractive – yet easy to care for – tarantulas available. Having said that, as mentioned, I am slightly biased about this wonderful species 🙂

Related:  Mexican Red Knee Tarantula (Brachypelma hamorii) Care Sheet

While the Mexican Red Rump is commonly available and very cheap to buy, they can be rather more skittish than the species listed above. I have also owned a few that would readily rear up and display their fangs when bothered.

Mexican Beauty (Brachypelma boehmei)

Brachypelma boehmei photo

Brachypelam boehmei is another close relative of the Red Knee, and once again is critically endangered in the wild. For this reason almost all specimens available in the pet trade are captive bred, making them a more expensive species. Indeed, if you’re looking for a Mexican Beautiful it may be necessary to purchase from a specialist breeder; doing so you’ll find it easier to find a suitable specimen and it will also likely be more reasonably-priced to boot.

Green Bottle Blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens photo

Surely one of the world’s most beautiful tarantula species the much-loved Green Bottle Blue tarantula boasts an astonishing range of contrasting colors. Firstly it has a bright orange abdomen, secondly it has a beautiful metallic green carapace and – finally and most impressively – it has bright blue legs. What a spider!

With such coloration it should be little wonder that these spiders are so dearly-loved among keepers. Combine this with their docile (if someone what skittish) attitude and their ease of care and the Green Bottle Blue really is one of the top tarantulas for beginners or experienced keepers alike.

If there is a weakness its simply that the popularity of this species means they’re always one of the more expensive tarantulas to purchase. If you’ve got the budget, however, and you want a spider that is easily cared-for and will astonish your friends with its colors it can be well worthwhile trying to track down a Green Bottle Blue as your starter spider.

Antilles Pink Toe (Caribena versicolor)

red tarantula photo

Lastly on a our supplementary list we come to the Antilles Pink Toe.

With a combination of blue/green and plum-colored hairs, together with it’s cute “fluffy” appearance Caribena versicolor is another of the most attractive tarantulas available to pet keepers.

As with the GBB, however, this stunning appearance makes them very popular – and therefore relatively expensive – tarantulas to purchase.


What size/age tarantula should I buy?

Over the years it has become ever more popular for keepers to breed tarantulas in captivity. As a result one can find tarantulas of almost any age/size from tiny little hatchlings (known as “spiderlings”) through juveniles right up to adults.

It should come as no surprise that adult tarantulas typically cost more than juveniles (unless they have been wild caught) so many beginner keepers are tempted by the lower costs of purchasing a younger spider. Be aware, however, that smaller tarantulas tend to be more fragile. Depending on the species in question they can also take some years before reaching adult size. Lastly, be aware that sexing immature tarantulas isn’t the easiest of tasks, and if you spend years rearing a tarantula only to find out that it is a male then you might be in for a nasty surprise.

If you are purchasing your first pet tarantula I would strongly encourage you to purchase an adult specimen which you can be sure is female. Such a spider will be sturdy and should have a long life ahead of them. As a second option buy a sub-adult female spider that has been sexed by a reputable professional.

Spiderlings, while cute and typically cheap to buy, rtequire rather more specialist care; generally something best attempted once you’ve gained some experience with an adult specimen.

Where is the best place to buy a tarantula?

There are a number of places where tarantulas can be bought. Many common species can be sourced from a reputable local reptile store, where you can ask as many questions as necessary and have advice on hand in the future.

Purchasing tarantulas from breeders potentially gives you the very best prices possible, but without the options to ask repeated questions as time goes on. Note that sourcing the less common spiders can be a challenge when it comes to pet stores, so many keepers end up relying on breeders who produce babies of the less common species on a regular basis. Many breeders sell privately on Internet discussion forums or can be found at major national tarantula shows.

Quite where you choose to buy a tarantula is up to you. On the one hand it is always nice to at least visit your local reptile store to see what is on offer, and with the intention of supporting your local reptile trade. That said, if your initial search fails to locate the spider you’re looking for it can be smart to approach some breeders who are far more likely to be able to provide the rarer species.

Tarantula photos c/o Furryscaly, davidricardoabrenica, James St. John, Gexon, berniedup

Richard Adams

15 thoughts on “Best Beginner Tarantulas: What Are The Best Pet Tarantulas for Beginners?”

  1. Thank you for this article. My 16 year old son really wants to get a tarantula. This article really help me in our research to know where to go and what breed we should consider first.

  2. Top class and informative read as I am really having difficulty finding the best beginners tarantula for me. Well written!!

  3. Thanks for this article it is really helpful for my article for our school’s publication of sci- tech news writing. I’m still grade 6 and i discovered this wonderful article thank you so much. I won the publication competition because of this article

  4. Maybe a little unrelated, sorry!!

    I rescued Two Brazilian black slings a couple months ago after their owner passed away and the daughter discovered them whilst cleaning through her moms stuff (imagine!!). The smaller sling (size of a British 5p) is doing well and after a successful moult is now on a diet of fruit flies.
    However the bigger sling (around 3cm) has a very large abdomen and is showing no signs of a moult, I don’t wanna feed the little guy as he’s already big but I’m a little concerned that he’s stuck and may have a bad moult!

    Any advice???

    Thank you in advance, Torie. 🙂

    • Hi Victoria – Brazilian Blacks can go for crazy-long periods of time between molts. That said, I’ve never had one struggle to molt due to an extended abdomen. This species does naturally have a larger abdomen than many other species so personally I wouldn’t worry too much. It sounds to me like he’s just a “chunky boy”. I’d still try offering food occasionally to him, and of course keep that water topped up so he can drink when required. As and when he positively starts refusing food then it’s likely a molt is coming up shortly.

  5. I have heard that choco golden knees are good for beginners too just to add some more tarantulas to the list. And also this was very helpful. Now I just need to convince my family to let me have one.

  6. These tarantulas all look so cool! I’ve been wanting a tarantula for a while but a small one and these one look amazing. Which one is the smallest as I am scared of spiders?

    • Hi Jack – Most of the tarantulas mentioned above will get to a similar size – roughly 5-6″ measured across the legs. There are some smaller species, often referred to as “dwarf tarantulas”. Another option would be to start with a smaller specimen, which is often cheaper, and let them grow up over time as you get comfortable with them. Most tarantulas will take several years to reach maturity and they’ll grow bigger with every molt.

  7. Excellent article! Thank you very much!

    I’ve been a massive arachnophobe all my life, but I stumbled across a YouTube channel dedicated to pet tarantulas, and I’ve found myself hooked. My arachnophobia has slowly started being replaced by curiosity, and a strange adoration, and now I find myself wanting a pet tarantula of my own. This article gave me all the information needed. It will be a little while before I’m able to actually keep one as a pet, but you have convinced me that my first one will be a Mexican Red Knee.


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