Nassarius Snail Care

The Nassarius snail is an easily-maintained marine (saltwater) species. The care levels  they require are minimal – not only will they source their own food on most occasions but they can also help to keep your tank clean by feasting on unsightly detritus. Nassarius snails will slowly comb through the bottom of your aquarium, scavenging …

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Coral Banded Shrimp Care Sheet

The coral banded shrimp is a beautiful decapod crustacean that makes for a great addition to any marine aquarium. Many aquarists seek out this boxing shrimp because of its color and personality, which can add a lot of interest to your tank. It is also reef safe, which means it can be added to your …

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How to Lower pH in an Aquarium or Fish Tank

Getting your water chemistry right is crucial for a healthy fish tank. While there are many different factors to consider, one of the most important is the pH of your aquarium water. All too often the pH of standard tap water is far too high for many species, so in this guide we will discuss …

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Otocinclus Catfish Care

Popularly known as dwarf suckers or Otos, the Otocinclus is a popular fish species that is often kept in captivity. This is a type of catfish belonging to the family Loricariidae and is most commonly found in South America. If you are looking for a new addition to your planted aquarium, the Otocinclus catfish is …

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Best Automatic Fish Feeders

Any seasoned fish keeper knows that “little and often” is the best mantra when it comes to feeding fish. That’s all well and good in theory, but modern life has a nasty habit of getting in the way. So whether you’re heading off on vacation or keep forgetting to feed your fish each morning an …

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Tiger Barb Care Sheet

The Sumatra barb, more popularly known as the tiger barb, is a tropical fish that is immensely popular amongst hobbyists. In this comprehensive care sheet we’ll discuss everything you need to know to successfully keep your tiger barbs happy and healthy. Habitat While the tiger barb is native to Asia and Africa, where it is …

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