Welcome to Keeping Exotic Pets – a site dedicated to the captive husbandry and breeding of tarantulas, mantids, reptiles and more.
Lava Tarantula / Theraphosinae sp. Panama / Davus sp. Panama Care Sheet
The Lava Tarantula is the most beautiful species of tarantula in the world as far as I’m concerned. The common name perfectly describes the incredible coloration, consisting of a fiery…
Psalmopoeus victori / Darth Maul Tarantula Care Sheet
Psalmopoeus victori is a New World arboreal (tree-dwelling) tarantula. Hailing originally from Mexico, this species is known under two different common names; the Darth Maul tarantula or the Mexican Half-and-Half….
Can Praying Mantis Eat Wax Worms?
Praying mantis can eat wax worms. They’re fat, juicy and usually very well received. While they’re not my number one recommended prey item, I believe they can represent a useful…
Can Praying Mantis Grow Back Limbs?
Praying mantis can grow back limbs, but this only happens when they change their skin. Essentially a praying mantis that has lost one or more limbs will continue to look…
Can Praying Mantis Lay Eggs Without Mating?
Female praying mantis can lay eggs without mating. This can have a number of impacts, particularly if you’re keeping them as pets. The crucial thing to realize here is that…
What Does Tarantula Poop Look Like?
You finally Googled it didn’t you? You were so intrigued you decided to search for “what does tarantula poop look like?”. Don’t worry – you’re not the only one 🙂…
What Happens if You Disturb a Molting Tarantula?
Molting is one of the single most dangerous times in a tarantula life. The formerly fearsome predator becomes almost defenseless for hours or even days. Even a single cricket accidentally…
Do Wax Worms Need to Be Refrigerated?
Waxworms do not need to be refrigerated. They can be kept safely at room temperature without any issue. The reason why some animal keepers opt to keep their wax worms…
Do Tarantulas Have 10 Legs?
One common question asked about tarantulas is whether they have 10 legs. It seems a lot of these searches recently are coming from Animal Crossing players, who have noticed that…
What Is an Old World Tarantula?
Old World tarantulas are tarantulas coming from the continents of Africa and Asia. This is in contrast to so-called New World tarantulas which are found in the Americas. Whilst it…
Do Tarantulas Make Spider Webs?
Tarantulas do make spider webs, but they don’t look like the sorts of spider webs you might see in your garden. Rather than spinning a large orb web, designed to…
What Happens If You Drop a Tarantula?
Dropping a tarantula can kill it, so this is definitely something to avoid at all costs. This is the key reason why most experts advise against handling tarantulas. A tarantula…