Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are always a popular fruit when they’re in season, so understandably many bearded dragon owners want to know whether bearded dragons can eat them. Bearded dragons can eat strawberries as part of a balanced diet. Due to the high sugar content of strawberries – the very thing that makes them so sweet – they …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Apples are cheap to buy, taste delicious and can store for ages when done correctly. They’re understandably a popular food among many pet keepers – but can they be fed safely to bearded dragons? Bearded dragons can eat apples as part of a varied diet.  However they should form only a small part of the …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?

Carrots are packed with nutrients including beta-carotene. They’re a constant favorite among the human population, but do bearded dragons eat carrots? The short answer is that bearded dragons can eat carrots.  Carrots are a great food for bearded dragons for a number of reasons. Firstly, they are easy to prepare, as they can be finely …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blueberries?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Blueberries?

Blueberries are considered a “superfood” by many nutritionists as they’re packed with nutrients such as antioxidants.  While blueberries tend to be one of the more expensive fruits to buy from the grocery store, understandably some bearded dragon owners wonder if their lizard will eat them. Can bearded dragons eat blueberries? Bearded dragons can eat blueberries.  …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Broccoli?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Broccoli?

Whether you love broccoli yourself or hate it there’s one thing we can’t deny: broccoli is a really healthy vegetable. We know it is very high in fiber, low in sugar, yet is packed with beneficial nutrients. But can you give it to your bearded dragon? Bearded dragons can eat broccoli.  Indeed, you might be …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Celery: delicious, crunchy and perfect in a salad. At the same time, we know that bearded dragons appreciate a wide variety of different types of foods, so an obvious question is if they can have celery? Bearded dragons can eat celery.  Indeed, many bearded dragons seem to enjoy eating celery as much as we do …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumber?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumber?

Cucumber is a central part to many salads. There can be few foods that are more refreshing on a hot summer’s day. As it’s something many of us have in our fridge each week, it shouldn’t be surprising that some keepers wonder if they can give it to their beardie. Can bearded dragons eat cucumber? …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower?

Who doesn’t love a delicious steaming-hot cauliflower cheese on a cold winter’s day? With cauliflowers so reasonably priced and so tasty, the real question is whether you can also give it to your bearded dragon? Bearded dragons can eat cauliflower – though probably best leave off the cheese for your pet lizard. Cauliflower benefits from …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?

Little represents fresh, summer food better than a sweet, juicy bell pepper. What you might not realize, however, is that bell peppers are absolutely packed with nutrients.  For example, were you aware that bell peppers actually contain more vitamin C than citrus fruit weight-for-weight? But what about those of us who keep bearded dragons? Are …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?

Asparagus might seem like an odd thing to feed to a bearded dragon. After all, it tends to be quite expensive. It’s also quite a seasonal vegetable, only being available for part of the year.  All the same, as I seem to keep getting questions about whether bearded dragons can eat asparagus, so I thought …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sweet Potato?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sweet Potato?

Is there anyone that doesn’t love sweet potato? As the name suggests, it’s sweet and juicy, and it can be prepared in so many different ways. But it’s not just humans who love sweet potato – a variety of animals will also happily lap it up. Our concern in this article though is about bearded …

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Best Small Pet Lizards

What is the best temperature for leopard geckos?

Pet lizards come in a huge range of sizes, from tiny leaf chameleons little bigger than your fingernail, through to giants such as monitor lizards and green iguanas. For many of us, having limited space at home, small pet lizards are the easiest to accommodate. What’s more, many of the best small pet lizards are …

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