Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dandelions?

Can bearded dragons eat dandelions?

Dandelions have developed an unfortunate reputation over the years. To many people they’re seen merely as annoying weeds; something to dig out the lawn before they set seed.  Yet for many generations these saw-toothed leaves were considered a useful food source; there are even historical records of dandelion roots being dried, ground, and used to …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapple?

There are few fruits more refreshing than pineapple. I understand some heathens even put it on pizza (shame on you!). But can your bearded dragon also enjoy pineapple chunks or is this purely an owner-only food? Let’s start with the easy answer: Yes, bearded dragons can eat pineapple. Indeed, pineapple offers a surprisingly long list …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley?

Parsley is a hardy, easily-grown herb that remains green and tasty all winter long. It makes a great source of green leaves even on the coldest winter day, or can be bought fresh from most decent supermarkets. But can bearded dragons eat it? The quick answer is: yes, bearded dragons can eat parsley. Indeed, the …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Romaine Lettuce?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Romaine Lettuce?

While there are many different types of lettuce available to grow or buy, in this article we’re going to focus on only one. This is the romaine lettuce, sometimes alternatively known as the cos lettuce.  In many ways it’s the “classic” lettuce, popular for salads, sandwiches or for including in a burger. But the primary …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

Raspberries are often available very cheaply when they’re in season, which is typically through summer and into fall.  They’re also incredibly easy to grow at home, requiring very little effort in exchange for a huge crop. This potentially makes them an ideal source of food for your bearded dragon. The good news is that bearded …

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What Do Baby Tarantulas Eat? What To Feed Tarantula Slings?

What Do Baby Tarantulas Eat?

Tarantulas are carnivorous invertebrates that will eat almost any live animal they can subdue. While this can include small birds, reptiles or even mammals, in reality this means tarantulas almost exclusively eat other suitably-sized invertebrates. Baby tarantulas, being so tiny when they hatch, most commonly eat very small insects.   For baby pet tarantulas the most …

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Can Tarantulas Eat Mealworms?

Can Tarantulas Eat Mealworms?

Mealworms are an incredibly popular feeder insect for many pets, so understandably many people wonder if tarantulas can eat mealworms.  Tarantulas can eat mealworms without problem.  Mealworms are also easy to work with for most tarantula enthusiasts; for example they don’t jump about like crickets or try to fly away like fruit flies.  However before …

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Do Tarantulas Eat Their Molt?

Do Tarantulas Eat Their Molt?

Tarantulas don’t usually eat their molt.  Normally, once a tarantula has molted, you will find the molted skin still within their cage. For tarantulas that choose to molt out in the open, this skin will be almost instantly visible.  However in tarantulas that molt down a burrow, or in a piece of cork bark, it …

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Can You Overfeed A Tarantula?

Can You Overfeed a Tarantula?

Feeding your tarantula correctly is crucial to their long-term health. Some tarantulas seem to have an insatiable appetite, willingly eating anything you drop into their cage. Understandably this leads to some keepers asking if you can overfeed a tarantula. Can tarantulas get obese, and if so will it shorten their lifespan or cause other health …

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Why Won’t My Tarantula Eat?

Why Won't My Tarantula Eat?

It can be very stressful for a new tarantula keeper when your spider stops feeding. The first bit of good news, however, is that most tarantulas can go for weeks – if not months – without eating and suffer no ill effects. So this is not yet the time to start stressing.  There are a …

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Do Tarantulas Eat Mice?

Tarantulas are carnivorous invertebrates that survive by catching and eating other animals. In nature tarantulas most commonly eat suitably-sized insects, however they are known to eat almost anything that comes within range and is small enough to subdue. This can sometimes include lizards and baby birds if the opportunity arises. But do tarantulas eat mice? …

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