Musk Turtle Food

To keep your musk turtle in the best of health it’s crucial that you offer them the right food. While musk turtles may eat the odd piece of pond weed in the wild, their diet is almost exclusively made up of meat. In captivity, this carnivorous diet can be supplemented with a number of specially-made …

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Feeding Corn Snakes

How big do corn snakes grow?

Corn snakes are one of the most popular pet reptiles kept by hobbyists today. Like all snakes, they are carnivores, capturing and eating whatever they can fit into their mouths. This means, as a pet owner, that you must be willing to feed your corn snake on other animals; sadly a corn snake isn’t likely …

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What Does a Tarantula Eat?

Tarantula food

Tarantulas are carnivorous arachnids that catch and eat any animal they are able to subdue. They are “generalist” predators and do not focus on one single source of food. In the wild, tarantulas will most commonly feed on other invertebrates that they encounter, but they may also eat smaller vertebrates such as lizards or rodents …

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Feeding Fire Belly Toads

Fire belly toads or fire bellied toads as they are sometimes known are one of the easiest types of amphibians to keep in the home as they attain a very reasonable size, are easy to care for and are very hardy. One sticking point for some exotic pet keepers though when they are first starting …

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What Do Betta Fish Eat? How to Feed Your Betta Fish

In the wild betta fish are found in slow-moving or still bodies of water such as rice paddies, streams and even in puddles during the wet season. As a result, betta fish are exposed to a wide range of different living prey to feed on; insect larvae, tiny shrimps and more. This means that pet …

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How To Control The Growth Rates Of Tarantulas

While some species of tarantula grow far faster than others it is possible within reason to control just how quickly individual tarantulas grow in captivity. There are a number of reasons why it can be helpful to understand the concepts of making your tarantulas grow faster or slower. The first of these is that buying …

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What Do Stick Insects Eat?

Stick insects are one of the more popular “exotic pets” but a fair amount of questions exist regarding their preferred foods. In this quick article we’re going to look at what stick insects (walking sticks) eat so that you can be certain to always have some suitable food on hand. Vegetation Stick insects spend their …

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How To Keep Livefood Alive

If your exotic pets require livefood in the form of crickets, locusts and the like then one problem you may have encountered is simply that tubs of livefood die shortly after purchase. Visiting some reptile shops the rows of tubs for sale consist mainly of dead insects and so keeping your livefood going for longer …

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7 Useful Tricks For Handling Livefood

One cause for concern when you start keeping exotic pets is that in many cases you will need to learn to deal with live food in the form of crickets, locusts, mealworms and the like. While many people quickly get used to this task and treat it as a necessary evil of keeping exotic pets …

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Praying Mantis: How To Feed

Praying mantis are carnivorous insects that need a diet of live animals of a suitable size. Whilst praying mantis have been observed in the past catching and eating small birds, lizards and mammals almost their entire diet is typically made up of life insects so when it comes to praying mantis and how to feed …

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