Poecilotheria rufilata / Red Slate Ornamental Care Sheet

Poecilotheria rufilata, commonly known as the Red Slate Ornamental, is an arboreal (tree dwelling) tarantula from the Indian subcontinent. It is generally considered to be the largest member of the Poecilotheria genus, with some keepers claiming a potential legspan of 8” or more. In appearance Poecilotheria rufilata broadly mimics it’s cousins like P. regalis and …

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Poecilotheria Regalis / Indian Ornamental Tarantula Care Sheet

The Indian Ornamental tarantula has been a mainstay of the pet trade for years. Even today, with so many new species discovered by scientists, it is considered one of the most beautiful tarantulas of all. First described the Reginald Pocock in 1899, the Latin name roughly translates to “royal spotted beast”. The Indian Ornamental tarantula …

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Gooty Sapphire (Poecilotheria metallica) Care Sheet

Poecilotheria metallica goes by a variety of different common names; the Gooty Ornamental, Gooty Sapphire, and Peacock Parachute Spider to name just three. Peocilotheria metallica is considered one of the most beautiful tarantulas in the world, combining the intricate patterning of other Poecilotheria species with a metallic blue sheen. Interestingly, the Gooty Sapphire was originally …

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